SA 12.10.2024│Doors: 1530
Start: 1600
Preis AK: 10-15
Lust*streifen Film Festival X HUMBUG: Porn Roundtable «Decolonizing Queerness»
Rassistische Stereotypen brechen und queere Identitäten neu denken
The annual Porn Roundtable on the topic "Decolonizing Queerness" explores how films break with racist stereotypes and rethink queer identities.
By presenting diverse perspectives, colonial clichés are questioned and marginalized stories are brought to light.
"Decolonizing Queerness" also plays an important role in music, breaking Western norms and creating space for new forms of expression.
The panel addresses and critiques colonial stereotypes and their impact on queer communities, especially in postcolonial contexts.