FR 31.01.2025│Doors: 2300
Preis AK: 18

Clubnacht BS mit OKRA: KA-RABA│Malefi│FONCÉ

Die Nacht vom 31. Januar gehört elf Basler Clubs!
Mit ihrem Programm zeigen sie die Vielfalt des lebendigen Nachtkultur-Angebots der Stadt im Dreiländereck.
Mit deinem Ticket kannst du dich durch alle elf Clubs tanzen – und dies bis in die frühen Morgenstunden. Tickets findest du auf Petzi im Vorverkauf oder direkt in den teilnehmenden Clubs an der Abendkasse.
Doch nicht nur das: am frühen Abend findet ein öffentlicher, nationaler und kostenloser Austausch zur Entwicklung der Clubkultur statt. Ganz im Sinne einer gemeinsamen Förderung und Erhaltung einer diversen Clubkultur.
Stay tuned!


is a Swiss-based DJ, curator, and community organizer, as well as the visionary founder of OKRA Collective. Known for her hypnotic, bass-driven soundscapes, KA-RABA creates immersive club experiences where Afrofuturism collides with cutting-edge electronic music. Her artistry transcends genres, guiding audiences through transformative sonic journeys that are both challenging and deeply enchanting.


MALEFI* (she/her) is a Swiss-South African multidisciplinary artist and DJ, born and raised in Canada and currently based in Bern, Switzerland. Known for her dynamic energy, distinctive style, and lifelong passion for music, MALEFI seamlessly blends diverse genres to create a captivating sonic experience. She is deeply committed to fostering inclusive, safe, and vibrant spaces wherever she performs, ensuring that every set becomes a transformative journey for her audience.

With a carefully curated mix of deconstructed diasporic sounds, MALEFI’s performances span a global spectrum, drawing on the rich musical traditions of various cultures. Her sets are renowned for their infectious, sultry rhythms and nostalgic undertones—guaranteed to ignite the dance floor with an unforgettable, electric atmosphere.


is a multidisciplinary artist and organizer based in Basel. Their creative expressions mirror their processes of Becoming by weaving together different artistic mediums such as writing, sound production, DJing and curating. At the core of FONCÉs practices are storytelling and re_membering. They are interested in re_writing and re_assembling embodied narratives while drawing knowledge from their lived experiences. Since 2020, FONCÉ has been a member of OKRA, a collective of afro- descendant multidisciplinary creatives based in Switzerland.