DO 16.09.21 Türöffnung: 2030 │ Konzerte ab: 2100 │ Türschluss: 0100 │ Eintritt Abendkasse: CHF 15 │ Eintritt Vorverkauf: CHF 15 │ Eintritt Freund*innen des HUMBUG: CHF 10

Fest von Gestern:

Zwei Jahre Humbug, das will gefeiert werden! Leicht verspätet, vom März in den September verlegt, präsentieren wir euch während drei Tagen ausgewählte Schmankerln aus Nah und Näher. Kommt, feiert mit uns am "Fest von Gestern" <3


Retromorcego is a product of the plague. Brazil, Florianópolis, september of 2001, a grunge band called “Os Lopes de Souza” emerged. After one year of intensive concerts in every corner of the island of Santa Catarina, the band broke up. Reuniting again in 2017, 2018 and 2019, until they finally decided do go for their first tour in Europe, where the front man and guitar player Koostella lives since more than a decade. Everything was ready, until suddenly a hungry guy decided to eat a bat somewhere. Eating bats is fine, even Ozzy Osbourne has done that before. But this time was different. His dinner destroyed all plans of everyone on the whole planet Earth. Now it is 2020. The world is hidden at home. Nothing move outside. Nobody dare to leave their houses. The plague is around and the agenda of Os Lopes de Souza cancelled. However, alone and hidden in a bunker in Basel, Koostella began to feel sick. Coughing, sweating, fever and pain... One day he had to go out into the street, tore off his mask to breathe better and coughed in the faces of two friends: Noé Herrmann, drummer, and Olivar Garcia, bass player. Now all of them are infected with Retromorcego!

Tropical Grunge

Echolot (BS, CH)

Echolot: In der Schifffahrt verwendetes Gerät zur Tiefenmessung mithilfe von Schallwellen. Echolot sendet seit 2014 Wellen aus und erforscht, was in der Tiefe lauert. Komm und frische deine Angst vor der blauen Weite auf. Wir nehmen dich auf einen Tauchgang entlang des Abgrunds, da, wo die photische Zone aufhört und die Tiefsee beginnt. Vergiss nicht zu atmen. For fans of: Marihuana Trench, Black Smoker, Deep Sea Witch

Atmospheric Coraldoom